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This will truly be a deep dive where I will push and expand you as an individual and group as far as I can. My goal is to bring together a group of women who will not only be open to expantion but also creating a safe environment where you not only learn from me but from one another.


We will be meeting the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month in Jefferson, WI in person, 6:30pm. This will be for intermediate to advance individuals looking to expand their ceiling of understanding your spiritual self and how we are preparing to help shift the collective. I will be bringing in my mother and sister and potentially a few others as we navigate the path of learning and expantion over the coming months.


I will only have 6 to 8 spots available and will have an interview process to ensure that it is in alignment for you and what your soul is being called to. This will be a commitment to yourself and to this group so you will need to be present for our sessions. This is what I will consider a deep soul level advanced mentorship. 


Some of the focuses will be activations, meditations, dowsing, working with your high self, past life and channelings, book assisgnments, light body healing, physical body healing and much more. Each session we will have a beautiul array of healing and nourishing foods and teas.



Deep Dive Embodiment Mentorship, July-October 2024

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